Domain Registration

I planned to register a new domain name since I want to design my blog fully. Where I can choose a good theme that suits my taste. I mean, I will install Wordpress themes because I have seen a lot of very good and adsense optimized Wordpress themes. There are a lot of sites that offers domain registration like GoDaddy and Paylessdomains that offers special discounts when you register a domain for two years or more. Bulk domain registration discounts are also available.

Paylessdomains has 24/7 customer support, Free Email hosting. Free URL Forwarding, Free Management Tools, fast domain approval and other freebies. Their Web hosting has easy control panel, spam protection, sub domains and web mail. I guess I should take action soon to get a new domain registered at Paylessdomains.

By having your very own domain registration name, it is highly possible that you can monetize your website or your Blog to it's maximum. So whether to choose by having your own domain or by sticking to the free blogger account, I would say having your own domain for your site and blogs is highly recommended.


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