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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tales of Bad Bosses

There's no end to the horror at, where workers are posting bizarre complaints about supervisors, including: "She made me climb into a Dumpster"; "The boss didn't care workers might be crushed and killed"; and one that seems sure to inspire a movie: "My boss knowingly hired my stalker."

Working America, a group affiliated with the AFL-CIO, is again collecting anonymous tales of woe like this one with its online "My Bad Boss Contest."

And another woman told this tale: "I had been invited to lunch with my boss, along with several of my co-workers. Our boss was known for being, well, cheap. We all prepared ourselves for a fast food lunch at best. We loaded up into his vehicle and he began to drive. He passed several good restaurants - no surprise there - and all of the fast-food options as well. What could possibly be our destination?

"A discount warehouse store! And we were treated to a fabulous lunch of ... free samples!"


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