Should You Stay Employed and Suffer the Never Ending DELAYED SALARY?
I have heard a lot of complains from the people who are currently employed in the previous company I was working with. They are complaining about having a delayed salary they are suffering right now, AGAIN. Just last few days ago, I received 3 messages from them asking to lend money to me. First, I was wondering why they want to lend money to me, when they have their job and I don't. So, I asked them why and they told me that again and again the same problem we had before for the past 3 years on that company the same scenario is still happening, the never ending " DELAYED SALARY ". I almost jump out from the chair I was sitting after reading their messages. And I thought, Thank God I am no longer part of that company because I am no longer suffering those long waits of when we can have our salary. You know when I was on that scenario before all I can do is just wait to have our salary and it lasts for days worst sometimes it lasted for weeks. Now, after being out of ...