Behind Manny Pacquiao's Victory

I received this forwarded message from a friend:
13days after pacquiao victory against eric morales naganap ang wowowie stampid,...13days after pacquiao victory against larios, mayon volcano errupted, many died in mudflow,...tapos ngaun e2 na naman 13days after pacquiao's victory against barrera, 8 people confimed died sa pagsabog sa glorietta. creepy?
So, I tried researching it and these are what I found:
  • January 21, 2006, Manny Pacquiao defeated Erik Morales and the Wowowee stampede happened February 5, 2006
  • July 7, 2006, Manny Pacquiao defeated Oscar Larious and on July 18, 2006 Mayon Volcano started erupting and the dates there after.
  • October 6, 2007 Manny Pacquiao defeated Marco Antonio Barrera and Last October 19, 2007 a Blast in Glorietta Mall in Makati Happened...
Wow, that is so creepy... I got goosebumps after I finished the research...


Wayne said…
I dont know if its a coincidence or maybe it has something to convey.

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