What You Must Not Do In Podcasting

Here’s the list of Mr. Errorl Smith useful advice at Nanocasting for would-be commercial Podcasting champions

1. Do not Podcast without a Plan.
2. Do not Podcast without Providing Unique Value.
3. Do not Podcast Like a Broadcaster. (That’s old world style
4. Do not underestimatethe (involved) Commitment level.
5. Do not think that Talent and Expertise Don’t Matter.
6. Do not be seduced by the Age of Amateurism
7. Do not believe that the Playing Field Is Level.
8. Do not rely Primarily on RSS to Build an Audience.
9. Do not believe that Format Doesn’t Matter
10. Do not Overestimate/Do not underestimate Podcasting

Through the list Steve Hall commented to not spend the entire podcast talking about podcasting and all in creating a masterpiece. Neil Crespi too said that they are bringing podcasts to their network and hoping them to stay.

But what is Podcast?

From WikiPedia, podcast is a multimedia file distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. The term as originally coined by Ben Hammersley in an article in the Guardian on February 12, 2004, was meant as a portmanteau of "broadcasting" and "iPod".

The term podcast, like 'radio', can mean both the content and the method of delivery. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. Though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other digital audio formats by its ability to be downloaded automatically using software capable of reading feeds like RSS or Atom.


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