What's your Joy List? Here's mine...

My Joy list:
  1. Travel around the country and outside the country with friends.
  2. Having a House and Lot of my own.
  3. Own a car.
  4. Have a good and profitable Business.
  5. Play sports once a week (badminton, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming)
  6. Laugh a good laugh everyday. (I always make sure I laugh everyday, if not on the everyday situations at least I watch funny clips at youtube. Maybe that makes me look younger than my real age. LOLz)
  7. Everyday, in spite of some sad, uncomfy situations, I always try to make myself "feel good", "feel fine", "feel better"afterwards.
  8. Go shopping. When I get bored at home or while working in front of my PC at home and want to satisfy my eyes with crowds, I tend to go to the mall and/or bazaar, baratillo stores and buy whatever I want to buy and can only afford. But most things I tend to buy when I go shopping to just get out the bored life of working at home are caps and T-shirts.
  9. Read books, inspirational and technical stuff for an hour or two everyday, because I cannot concentrate reading everytime I want to read, since there are a lot of things running everyday in my mind that makes me busy.
  10. Meet new true and funny friends.
  11. I want to earn ten times what I’m earning now, So, I can willingly share to the charity (You know... if you just earn just as an average, you tend to save for your future and forget about sharing or doing charity works.
  12. and the most important joy for me is to have abundant life, family and friends. Having all that 3 in your life will make you the happiest person.
I think that's it for now, but I know my joy list is never ending list and this blog can't fill all the joy list I want to do or have. Later, I will make a Joy appointment so that I can say that I am really alive. If you’re alive, why not be really alive and be joyful to live it to the fullest.


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