Termites in Our House

Our house is almost 20 years old now since it was built last 1990 when we transfered from our old house near the Cagayan de Oro river. Our house is made woods and concretes, but most of the materials are made of wood specially in the second floor. The problem is we our house is attacked by termites and we consulted some Pest control companies and they are charging a very high cost for the job, so I seek on the net for affordable products and maybe we can deal with it. Terminix is a promising Pest control company and I want to try their services because they are the best termite control and protection available - guaranteed.

Because we tried to do-it-ourselves trying to get rid of those termites in the house and ended up doing over and over again, this time I will give it to the Autorities to end our dilemma over termites crawling anywhere in the house eating up our house.


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