11 Causes and Cures for Procrastination

We convince ourselves that none of our varied obligations is so pressing as to require our time right now. In other words, procrastination’s short-term benefit is a feeling of control and peace.
So take a break.
Just be aware that the feel-good benefits of procrastination can quickly erode into panic.

Here are 11 common causes of procrastination and corresponding tips to help you find the pace you’re looking for:
  1. Complicated-task anxiety: Break big, complicated tasks into smaller pieces. Complete a starter task, no matter how small.
  2. Fear of imperfection: Accept that perfection is rarely attainable and seldom necessary. You’re a person, not a robot. Use the 80/20 rule whenever appropriate.
  3. Indecision: Determine your decision-making criteria, then set a deadline for your decision. Ask a friend to hold you accountable.
  4. Priority confusion: Distinguish obligations from options. What are you really responsible for? List and prioritize tasks.
  5. Boredom from minutiae: Automate simple repetitive tasks whenever possible.
  6. Lack of focus: Minimize distractions. Check e-mail and voicemail only twice per day instead of every 5 minutes. Find a quiet room where you can concentrate. Resist the urge to keep taking breaks.
  7. Poor organizational skills: Clean your work area. Put tools and utensils in their proper place so you can find them when you need them.
  8. Laziness: Remind yourself of the consequences of procrastination. Resist the urge to be a couch potato. Try to complete several small tasks to provide a feeling of accomplishment. Reward yourself.
  9. Lack of energy: Maintain a regular sleep routine. Eat healthy. Exercise regularly. Do not skip breakfast.
  10. Early morning lag: Before you stop working each day, make a list of the tasks you want to begin first thing the following morning so you can hit the ground running the next day.
  11. Post-lunch fatigue: Before leaving for lunch, make a list of the things you plan to do when you get back so you can pick up where you left off. Avoid eating a heavy lunch.
Break big, complicated tasks into smaller pieces. Complete a starter task, no matter how small.

perfection is rarely attainable and seldom necessary.

Distinguish obligations from options. What are you really responsible for?

Automate simple repetitive tasks whenever possible.

Minimize distractions.

Find a quiet room where you can concentrate. Resist the urge to keep taking breaks


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