The Gospel of Judas
Below are some content can be found at the Lost Gospel of Judas, the following are taken from the National The Gospel of Judas is part of a codex. Codices were ancient books constructed of folding pages bound at one side. They supplanted scrolls because they held more information, and because readers could easily find specific passages. The codex also contains a text called James, the Letter of Peter to Phillip, and a fragmentary document dubbed the Book of Allogenes. The 1,700-year-old codex was badly fragmented, but an expert team of preservationists and scholars has rescued a nearly complete Gospel of Judas – a text once thought to be lost forever. The Gospel provides an alternative view of the Jesus-Judas relationship and evidences the diverse theological beliefs that circulated among early Christians. Codex page 33: The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a Week, three Days before he cel...