What a Week that was!!!

Hey Guys, sorry I haven’t updated my blog for a long time because I’ve been so busy with my job since my boss is still in the US. Wooo!!! What a busy week that was… Until now, I am still having difficulties doing my Boss’ responsibilities.

Last week I always had a headache every time I report in the office, the people are on the adjusting period from having the new set of rules and office management. And it made me having hard time to cope up the people from complaining, asking questions etc. but praise God everything was fine and dandy now. But I will prepare for next week coz I’m sure I will be busy again, the headache will run over me again and I’m sure will hibernate with blogging again for a week.

Hmmmm…. Look at this picture this is what happened to me last week. You may think I am crazy but no, this is the outcome of my headache. Ciao…


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