Savings Accounts Online for You

Searching for Savings? well, for me yes... I have been thinking about saving my monthly income but evertime the fund came in that's the time I cannot manage myself to save. I have an ATM savings account but at the end of the month there's nothing left there but the minimum amount set by the bank to stay on my account.

I heard a lot of online savings and banking company like WaMu, they have Personal, business and Investing Banking, Checking and savings, CDs and IRAs, Credit cards, loans and other services offered. Get a WaMu savings account or certificate of deposit (CD) to reach your savings goals. Find the best savings account or certificate of deposit for you like:

* Online Savings
* Statement Savings
* Traditional CD
* Online CD
* Liquid CD

If you open an account with WaMu Free Checking™ online and your Online Savings will receive the Relationship Interest Rate/APY. Your Online Savings account comes with free bank checks and money orders. Wow, that will make me want to apply for an account. But for now I have to settle my account first before I can transfer to WaMu.

If you are also interested in other savings account options, it is very easy to apply and you can earn money market rates on your savings with a Guaranteed Great Rate Money Market Account, WaMu's money market savings account.

Not only that because WaMu offers services like online savings so you are no longer to spend your precious time waiting in lines at the bank. Learn more about WaMu's online savings or online CD. Open a savings accounts online and get great rates on your money.

And don't amazed yet because you can also link your WaMu Free Checking™ account to your savings account with the Automatic Savings Plan and watch your savings grow. WaMu's savings accounts come with free online banking.

To discover if Savings is available in your area, You can select your state from the drop-down menu at the WaMu's website.


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