I've Been Blessed

I've been blessed in so many a way,
and I came here because there's much to say.
First a Thank You to God up above,
for offering me His unconditional love.

Next is my promise to do the very best that I can,
to reach out to my fellowman.
To share with the world what God has in store,
for all His children He does so adore.

To point those hurting to where they can find,
the most soothing peace for their mind.
To assure each person they are not alone,
and give them the proof I've been shown.

To open eyes that can not see,
that every man is in charge of his own eternal destiny.
To invite those who want to know,
where to find the information where they should go.

To surrender myself each and every day,
obediently telling God I'll do it all His way.
Listening for that still small voice,
the one that's been guiding me since I made my choice.

Letting His light shine through me,
so others will desire the inner peace they see.
I've been blessed and it is my sincere endeavor,
that I sing God's praises now and forever.

©Barbara Philbrook


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