Love Beyond Valentine's Day!

As Valentine's Day draws near, the world prepares for a grand celebration of love. Romantic movies will dominate theater screens, restaurants will be fully booked, and florists will sell out as red roses fill the air. Chocolates and sweets will disappear from store shelves, love songs will play on repeat, and inboxes will overflow with heartfelt messages. Everywhere you look, red will be the color of the day—red shirts and hats for men, red dresses and ribbons for women. Heart-shaped chocolates, balloons, plates, and even kiss marks will serve as symbols of affection. But should love be confined to just one day? Why celebrate it once a year when we have the chance to make love a daily expression? Imagine a world where love and kindness take center stage, where peace replaces hatred, and violence becomes a thing of the past. A world without conflict, without senseless destruction—a dream, perhaps, but one worth striving for. This Valentine's Day, let’s go beyond tradition. Let’s...